I was very fortunate to get a sample to try out of Lickety Stik which is a lickable dog treat. At first I was a little put off by the weird smell, but its not for me its for my dog. Dogs are weird because one whiff sent them into a sniffing frenzy. I'm sure they were thinking, "What is that smell and where is it coming from, it smells delish." Yea for my human nose not so delish but decided to suck it up deal with it. My boys deserve a treat, well most of the time they do.

I have two furry babies, Budha who is a 9yr old pitbull terrier and Bear a very rambunctious 2yr old Chihuahua. I am always looking for the newest and best treats for them because let's face it, they're spoiled. If I have 5 dollars left and its between them eating or myself, yup there will be some cans of dog food bought. The Lickety Stick is made by Petsafe and it's exactly that, pet safe. It is all natural dog treat with nothing that they can choke on. We've been there thinking we got out kids a great treat only to see them struggling to chew it or bite it. They have three flavors: chicken, bacon, and liver. My boys got to try out liver because that's a flavor that they really enjoy in their foods. There is only 1 calorie in ten licks which is the lowest calorie wise of all dog treats I've given them.

At first they were very unsure about what to do with it. They sniffed it, then licked it, then tried to bite it. I tried running it over their tongue till they understood that yup, you lick this treat! It took them a few tries but they finally got the hang of it. Budha liked it more than Bear did so that's why there are pictures mainly showing him. He absolutely loved it even though he did try to bite it open. I think he was being just a little greedy and wanted all the delicious stuff inside the bottle.

Budha gave it a 5 out of 5 paws!! Bear was not so generous and gave it 2.5 paws out of 5.
While he did show some interest he wasn't sold at all. I think he is
too spoiled and couldn't be bothered to actually take the time to lick
it instead of being able to swallow it whole.
You can buy Petsafe's Lickety Stick at
Petsmart,, and even direct at the
Lickety Stik Store. The prices range so you'll have to decide which is the best buy for you. Either way you should really try it out and see if its a great fit for you and your furry kid.
Disclaimer: I received a sample but all opinions are my own. No further compensation was received.