Nectresse Sugar
By Splenda
I received a boss of Nectresse by Splenda in my SugarnSpice Voxbox from Influenster. I've never been a huge fan of "fake" sugar packets so I was a bit biased when I got this. First off I wasn't sure what monk fruit was and why it is supposed to be better than regular sugar so I looked it up!
So the story goes that its named after Buddhist monks who cultivated it nearly 800 years ago. Well then why are we just hearing about it now? Well I guess because its been mainly grown in family orchards, who seem to be sharing the greatness now. It has been tested by the FDA and is affirmed that it is safe - or Generally Recognized as Safe. The monk fruit are GMO free, use sustainable farming practices, and are fair trade.

All this is awesome but really how does it taste and is it better than regular sugar? I really wanted to be able to try and make something with this, but it became to much of a hassle to tear open all the little packs to get 1-2 cups of the sugar I'd need. I really wish I had been able to try out one that was more for baking. I can say that there is a difference in appearance when it comes to the Nectresse and sugar. The Nectresse sugar is darker and has a caramel color to it. The taste, well there was a bit of an after taste though not too unpleasant. I think it is a good alternative to regular sugar, so its definitely a sugar alternative you should try out.
I am going to by a box of the loose sugar to try out baking some breads with. I have yet to find them in stores here by my home, but will be taking a longer trip to Walmart to see if they carry it. So look out for another post of mine showing how it works for bread, cookies, and even cake!
So I decided that the best way to try out this sugar was in my favorite recipe - Blueberry Bread! I love making blueberry bread for my family and myself, but was a little unsure if it would come out the same. I used my usual recipe:

- 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

I still couldn't find a box of the nectresse where it had it not in packages but all loose. I set off to opening up all the packages and even got the kids to help me out. We got all the 1 cup of nectresse needed and toss it in and put the loaf to cook. It was absolutely great - no grittiness, no weird aftertaste. The only thing was that it had a deeper almost smoky type flavor to it. Hard to describe but it wasn't as sweet as regular sugar, but had more depth to it. Overall it worked great and I definitely will be using it more for when I cook and for drinks!

Disclaimer: I received this product for the sole purpose of trying it out. I was under no obligation to do a review, but all opinions are my own. No further compensation was given or received.